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7 November 2023

Chocolate Cake with Whipped Dark Chocolate Ganache

Sara Lee Chocolate Tray cake topped with a dollop of creamy Dark Chocolate Whipped Ganache, with a sprinkle of chocolate flakes
Featured Image
20 min
5 min


No of servings


Thickened cream300ml
Good quality dark chocolate, chopped150g
Sara Lee Chocolate Tray Cake
Dark chocolate flakes or shards

This recipe has been provided by the team at Sara Lee

15mins prep time + 2hrs cooling time


Step 01

Bring cream to a boil in a saucepan, then pour over the chopped dark chocolate and take off the heat.

Step 02

Let the mix stand for 2 minutes, then whisk to combine until smooth, and refrigerate until completely cool.

Step 03

Once cold, place the prepared ganache into a mixing bowl, and whisk on med-high speed until the ganache is light and fluffy, and forms soft peaks.

Step 04

Prepare slices of the Sara Lee Chocolate Tray Cake according to the instructions on the label.

Step 05

Spoon a dollop of whipped ganache onto each slice of cake, and garnish with some chocolate shards, or with a sprinkle of chocolate flakes.


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