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31 October 2022

31 October 2022

Belgian Liege Waffle with Grilled Pineapple, Star Anise and Cinnamon Syrup

The ultimate brunch, full of flavour that’s bound to please
Featured Image
30 min
10 min


No of servings


Waffle Bros. Big Bro Belgian Liege Waffle6
Pure maple syrup250ml
Star anise2 pieces
Cinnamon1 stick
Fresh pineapple, skin and core removed½
Salted butter100g
Brown sugar100g
Dollop cream, to serve200ml


Step 01

Stir the star anise and cinnamon stick into the pure maple syrup.

Step 02

Set aside for at least 15 minutes. Tip: the longer you leave the spices in the syrup, the more they will infuse to give the syrup a stronger flavour.

Step 03

Cut the pineapple into 6 wedges or slices.

Step 04

Melt the butter in the microwave, then mix in the brown sugar to make a syrup.

Step 05

Heat a grill fry pan and place the pineapple slices face down on the grill. Pour over some of the sugar and butter mix, and cook on medium heat for 5 minutes. Tip: avoid moving the pineapple pieces to assure they cook with the dark grill marks.

Step 06

Turn the pineapple slices and cook for a further 5 minutes, then remove from heat.

Step 07

Prepare the Waffle Bros. waffles according to the instructions on the packaging (eg. bake in oven at 200°C for 4 minutes).

Step 08

Place heated waffles on a plate, and top each with a slice of grilled pineapple. Pour over some of the star anise and cinnamon syrup, and serve with a dollop of double cream.


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