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11 April 2023

Easy Peach and Toffee Pavlova

Enjoy SPC's Delicious Easy Peach and Toffee Pavlova!
Featured Image
5 min
20 min


No of servings


Caster sugar½ cup
Cold water2 tablespoons
Thickened cream600ml
Pure icing sugar, sifted¼ cup
Sachet coconut milk powder50g
Store-bought pavlova base500g
SPC Peaches Sliced in Tasty Juice drained, saving some juice for later825g
Toasted almond slivers¼ cup
Mint leaves to decorate

Toffee Shards


Step 01

Line a tray with baking paper.

Step 02

Combine sugar and water in a saucepan over low heat. Stir for 5 minutes until dissolved. Increase heat to high and bring to the boil. Boil, without stirring, for 5-7 minutes or until mixture turns golden. Remove from heat and set aside until bubbles subside.

Step 03

Pour mixture onto prepared tray and allow to cool.

Pavlova Assembly:


Step 01

Place cream, icing sugar and coconut powder into a large bowl. Beat until thick.

Step 02

Place meringue base onto a plate.

Step 03

Break toffee into pieces, set aside.

Step 04

Dollop cream over meringue.

Step 05

Top carefully with fruit, toffee, and toasted almonds.

Step 06

You can drizzle some of the remaining juice for extra shine and sweetness.

Step 07

Add a scattering of mint leaves for decoration.

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